【2019年9月27日(金) 13:00〜14:30】
Esteban M. Wild先生 講演


この度、世界文化理事会(World Cultural Council)の理事長の
Esteban M. Wild先生に、科学と哲学についてご講演いただくことになりました。








日時: 2019年9月27日(金)13:00-14:30
場所: 京都大学教育学部本館1階第1会議室(アクセスはこちら


タイトル/ Title

Science and Philosophy: A Synthesis of Wisdom for the Evolution of Consciousness


ゲスト講師/ Guest Lecturer

Esteban M. Wild, PhD is an educator and humanist who has dedicated
over forty years to implementing and disseminating educational and
scientific programs, giving talks, workshops, seminars and a variety
of cultural activities in the five continents. He was Secretary
General of the World Cultural Council from its foundation in 1981
until 2001. Currently he is the Executive Director of the World
Cultural Council based in Paris.


アブストラクト/ Abstract

Throughout the history of humanity, Science and Philosophy have been
the two pillars that have sustained and nourished our culture. The
great challenges we face today on a global scale require solid and
sustainable solutions and it is indispensable to look deeply into the
fundamental causes of these challenges. As Albert Einstein once said,
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that
created it.” The future of our planet depends on the evolution of
consciousness in each and every one of us.
In whatever situation we are facing, we need to rise up to a new
awareness in order to transform the way we look at the world and to
transcend the challenges with creative solutions. What role do
Science and Philosophy play in the evolution of consciousness?
This special lecture explores the practical ways in which we can
acquire and apply the synthesis of over 2,500 years of universal
knowledge, and thus align our work and lives with the timeless wisdom
underpinning our culture.