【2023年4月6日(木) 15:00開催】
OIST/日文研 Jamila Rodrigues先生 講演会


4/6(木)の15時から、稲盛財団記念館3階の大会議室にて、沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)/国際日本文化研究センター(日文研)のJamila Rodrigues先生の講演会を行います。




日時: 2023年 4月 6日(木)15:00~
場所: 京都大学 稲盛財団記念館 3F 大会議室


‘In the middle of up and down ikigai is there’:
Japanese women embodied narratives of crisis


What types of crises do Japanese women discuss, and how do they express their experiences? What lessons can be gained from embodying ikigai as a resource for coping and thriving in times of crisis? This talk will present the results of an ethnographic study that explored narratives of personal crisis and embodied experiences from in-depth interviews with Japanese women between July 2022 and January 2023. My study examines ikigai in a broader context than the self-help books, podcasts, and “cool Japan” products currently in demand in mainstream Western culture. Instead, I examine how embodying ideas of well-being, and life meaning can be used to support women in difficult circumstances. Women discussed a variety of crises, such as health problems, interpersonal problems, and problems at work. Women embodied crisis experiences through various physical and emotional manifestations, such as bodily sensations, emotional distress, and changes in behaviour. The purpose of this talk is to discuss how personal perspectives and resources of ikigai can be used by women as a supporting tool during critical times. How Japanese women resolve their emotional, physical, economic, and mental difficulties through acquiring knowledge, resources, and inner skills during crises. This research is supported by a JSPS fellowship and provides an experiential framework for understanding gender, well-being, and coping.


Jamila Rodrigues did her Ph.D. in Anthropology, Gender, and Islamic Rituals. She is a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at the International Research Centre for Japanese Studies, Nichibunken, Kyoto and a visiting researcher at the Marine Climate Change Unit at Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology, OIST. Jamila’s main research is on gender and ikigai. She is interested in women’s narratives related to the role of the bodies in embodying ikigai during times of crisis. At OIST, she is collaborating with marine scientists on an interdisciplinary project on marine restoration and coastal communities’ well-being. As a former dancer, Jamila brings a unique perspective to her research, which explores the relationship between the body, culture, and identity. Her work is highly interdisciplinary, bridging the gap between the social sciences and marine science, and her findings have the potential to make a significant contribution to our understanding of human-environmental interactions.