ヘブライ大学心理学部のMaya Tamir教授は、感情制御(Emotion Regulation)の研究分野の第一人者で、感情科学学会(Society for Affective Science)の会長も務められました。今回、感情制御を多文化間で比較したご自身の研究について講演していただくことになりました。
Emotion Regulation and Culture
講演者:Maya Tamir教授(Department of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
日時: 2023年10月 2日(月)15:00~16:30
場所: 京都大学 稲盛財団記念館 3F 中会議室
To thrive in stressful environments, people worldwide must cope with emotional distress. They can do so by engaging in emotion regulation, which is the process by which people influence emotions.
It is driven by the motivation to change emotions in a particular direction, and pursued by implementing selected emotion regulation strategies.
Although our understanding of emotion regulation has grown dramatically in recent decades, most of the research on which it is based has been conducted in Western countries.
We thus still know relatively little about how emotion regulation varies across cultures.
In this talk, Professor Tamir will discuss potential cultural differences in attention to emotion regulation, the motivation to decrease unpleasant emotions, and the links between emotion regulation strategies and psychological health.
Professor Tamir will share data from several projects that were conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, examining aspects of emotion regulation across countries around the globe.
Together, the findings will highlight the importance of sensitivity to the cultural context when managing emotional distress.
Maya Tamir is a Professor of Psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. She completed her PhD at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and her post-doctoral training at Stanford University. Her research explores how and why people try to influence emotions in themselves and in others, and how this affects mental health, social relationships and well-being. She served as Associate Editor in Emotion, Emotion Review, and the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and is currently serving on the editorial boards of Psychological Bulletin, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Emotion, and Affective Science. She also serves as the co-editor of the Cambridge series on Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, US-Israel Bi-National Science Foundation, German Israeli Foundation, and by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science. She was elected President of the Society for Affective Science.